Send your best photos for a free
gallery to 1. No more than five (5) photographs per gallery 2. ONLY JPEG and GIF file formats will be accepted. 3. All images submitted MUST be of a file size of 100k or less. 4. In addition to photos, please post your individual biography. All biography are to be 200 words or less. We would also like to know which equipment you use. Please include this information in your biography. Also feel free to review your gear. 5. reserves the right to display or not to display any or all images submitted. No pornographic or offensive materials or content will be displayed or any violent photos. We will display your photos as the example below. 6. Your photographs will NOT be sold. They are simply for display only. 7. Please remember to save and send your images as attachments only! Thank you for your interest in having a gallery at This service will be FREE ! For a limited time. |
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